Tongue Scraping: A Step by Step Guide for Beginners
Doesn’t matter who you are, when you first heard the concept of Tongue Scraping you probably thought it was disgusting. It is pretty darn disguising, but not for your initial reasoning - you thought it was nasty because you didn’t want to see all of that weird stuff come off your tongue. Well that doesn’t make much sense because not scraping that gunk out, just leaves it seeped in your tongue - having a bacteria party.
Let’s take a step back and think about how the mouth is the largest and most important opening into our bodies. We need to keep that area clean in order to protect everything else that’s going on inside. Once we understand that the mouth is important to protect, then we have to consider the fact that the tongue is the absolute largest object in the mouth and it loves to suck up all the bacteria you send its way.
The simplest way to clean your tongue is to brush it with your toothbrush. We, at ScrapeYourTongue™, highly suggest brushing your tongue - it’s a great first step, but shouldn’t be the last. For some people brushing the tongue isn’t too comfortable because it tends to set off the gag reflex.
That’s why we invented our Tongue Scraper so you can thoroughly scrape it clean and not have to gag in the process.
Here are the simple three steps to cleaning your tongue with our Tongue Scraper:
1) Hold scraper at both end and bend into an upside-down 'U' shape
2) Place scraper on the back of your tongue w/ ridges pointing down
3) Push back & forth a few times, rinse it, and repeat every morning & night
The best part about tongue scraping is that it only takes a few seconds each day and it makes a world of a difference for your overall health and well-being. These days - it’s never been more important to start implementing simple preventative health measures. So start Tongue Scraping today with ScrapeYourTongue™!